Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jesus is at the heart of modesty.

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers,  by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by  the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." ~Romans 12:1-2 

First, I want to stress that the purpose of this blog is not to point out girls, judge or offend anyone.  Modesty has been a burden on my heart for a very long time and I feel it's a topic that we, the church, often touch on but don't focus on.  I love each girl the Lord has placed in my life and I want nothing more than to do everything I can to bring them closer to Him and help them to be effective for His kingdom.  I will try to stray away from my personal opinion about clothing and stick to what the word says about how we should dress and carry ourselves...and the Bible has plenty to say about it!!

The first mention of modesty goes all the way back to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3).  We need to understand that there is a theological foundation for modesty that goes back to the Fall. The first thing that Adam and Eve did after the fall was look for fig leaves to cover themselves up and cover their nakedness. The first result of the guilt of sin was the recognition that they were immodest. Before sin they had no fear that their nakedness could ever be used for evil purposes, but when sin entered the world it changed the innocence of nakedness forever. After the Fall, whenever nakedness is mentioned, except within marriage, it is always associated with shame. Our society has lost the ability to feel shame about immodesty because showing our bodies has become so acceptable. However, what is acceptable to our fallen world is not acceptable to God. 

Now, knowing that the issue of modesty started all the way back to the beginning of time, we know how important this issue is to God.  I do not believe that all girls walk around trying to be immodest,  most girls are trying to be fashionable!  The reason this is such a hard issue to tackle is because our culture and what we view as fashionable is not lined up with biblical standards.  As Christians, we should look very different to the rest of the world.  Based on Romans 12:1-2, though society believes that some things are fashionable and acceptable, we should not be conformed to this world but our appearance should be holy and acceptable to God.  The world doesn't know any better so going into a high school or public mall should look very different than going into a church, however, that's not that case.  The amazing thing about the way God uses us in His divine plan is that He sends us out into the world!  In our schools, jobs and families we should stick out because we are TRANSFORMED!  

The goal of every Christian should be to glorify and please God by being satisfied in Him. Scripture says that the Lord loves purity and righteousness (Psalm 11:7), that is the very essence of who He is! Part of pleasing Him is seeking righteousness in all we do, say, think and WEAR. Being madly in love with God leads to being fully satisfied in Him and being fully satisfied in Him pleases Him!  In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is "to love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind."  What we wear starts with our mind and heart.  We choose to wear outfits to fit in or be fashionable, compete with other girls or get the attention of guys.  If these are our intentions, our hearts are not lined up with pleasing God. Think of it this way: Christ sacrificed His life to pay for our sin and bought us for a price.  If you know Christ, you are owned by God and the Holy Spirit lives in you. As believers, our bodies don't belong to us anymore, they were bought for a price, so how we dress should be all about the GLORY OF GOD.  God desires for His glory to be our purpose because has our best interest at heart and wants the best for us. He knows that being fully satisfied in Him will bring us the most joy in life here on Earth and prepare us for eternity with Him.

How you dress on the outside says a lot about who you are on the inside, so you have to be honest with yourself about your motives. So, let's just keep it real...we girls like to look better than our girl friends and we like guys to notice us. But these feelings, though natural, are not of the Lord and remember...we are transformed!  Our identity must come from who God says we are and who He has created us to be. Proverbs 31:30 tells us that "beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Our appearance does not define us, but our love for God does!  

The second part of the verses in Matthew, Jesus tells us that the second greatest commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself".  When we go back to what our intentions are when we get dressed, competing with girls or trying to get the attention of guys is not loving. Most of the time we don't think of the real impact our choices have on others, especially guys. 

God has designed men and women to be very different in a lot of ways.  One major difference that is crucial here is that He designed men to be more visual and women tend to be more verbal.  For most women, sight is not a major avenue of temptation, but for men, they are tempted by what they see. In Proverbs 7:10 it says, "and there a woman met him, with the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart." Two points here, one I've tried to focus on already, immodesty is a heart issue.  The second thing to notice is that the Bible brings specific attention to the way immoral women dress to gain control. (ouch!) Another perfect example in scripture is King David. All of his trouble with Bathsheba started when he saw her bathing on the roof.  He was tempted by what he saw and she never said a word to him!  How powerful temptation can be!  Ladies, the men in our lives are tempted everywhere they look-the internet, TV, movies, billboards and magazines. As Christian women, we need to take this seriously and think about what the way we present ourselves does to men.  

I think it's important to add that immodesty is no excuse for lust.  A man cannot control the way women dress but he can control what he looks at and where he lets his sinful thoughts take him. Men must bring those thoughts under the control of Christ.  Romans 14:12-13 says, "Each of us shall give an account to God...and we should resolve not to put a stumbling block or cause to fall on our brother's way."  Ladies, though men are responsible for their own actions, let's not be guilty of feeding sinful thoughts by the way we dress, instead let's love one another and do only what brings each other closer to God and far from sin.

With all of this being said, guard yourself in being legalistic in this area.  Legalism is an "overemphasis on external things believing that it produces spirituality."  Legalism leads to self-righteousness and judgment and is often times mistaken for true righteousness. When you dress modestly, you glorify and please God and you are an encouragement to both men and women instead of a temptation to men and a bad example to women but the way you dress is not the only measure of your relationship with God. There are plenty of modest girls in the church whose lives are still fruitless. There are also several of you girls who love God but have not surrendered this area of your lives. I say to both groups, until you are fully satisfied in God, your lives will not glorify and please God.

What I want you to hear more than anything else I've said in this blog is that immodesty is a HEART ISSUE.  Instead of worrying about a list of "do and don't"s when it comes to how you dress, focus on clothing yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Colossians 3:12) by being fully satisfied in a God who encompasses all of these qualities. When we are fully satisfied in Him, He has the power to change our hearts to desire nothing more than more of Him!  It's about Who you gain (Jesus) from a life of righteousness, not about what you sacrifice (attention). 

Ask God to help you to be teachable and have a heart that wants nothing more than to bring glory to Him through your actions and appearance. Ask Him to remind you that your identity and self worth comes from Him alone. 

"God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him." 
~John Piper

Friday, January 11, 2013

good girls make weak women.

"For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.  By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and  for sin,  he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.  For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.  For the mind that is set on the flesh is  hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.  Those who are in the flesh cannot please God." ~Romans 8:3-8 

The Lord has placed me in an incredibly humble position to lead high school and college girls; the heart He's given me for them is some days overwhelming.  I see parts of myself in each one of them and that both scares the heck out of me and brings me endless joy. Like most of them, I spent the majority of my young adult life trying not to sin and I failed miserably...over and over again. My biblical focus in college revolved around reading Solomon's oh-so-wise words and praying for a Godly husband to lead me while doing *my* best to stay pure for him and our future marriage. With this kind of relationship with the Lord, my best was never good enough... if you could believe that.  Embracing my gift of being a leader in college put a lot of pressure on me.  That kind of pressure, without being led by the spirit, eventually manifests secret sin to try to gain control of a life that's not our own and it always leads to destruction!  Romans 8 clearly says if we set our mind on the flesh, rather than living a life led by the spirit, it will lead to death.  It doesn't say, "it will lead to temporary discomfort and unhappiness" says, "DEATH"!  I knew nothing of the abundant life mentioned in John 10:10 because my eyes and heart were not constantly seeking God through His word and I was DEAD...but worst of all, I thought I was doing it all right. 

The enemy is a ridiculously talented smooth talker.  He uses his *God given* power to convince us that the living a 'sinless' life is enough; he knows we will fail in our own efforts.  I see young women fall prey to this lie daily in their focus to be 'good.'  If being good was enough, Christ's birth, life, death and resurrection was all in vain. God's word says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)  That includes all of us good girls who wear our crosses and purity rings, read daily devotionals, and don't drink, cuss or have sex. It's IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with being a good girl without true surrender to God and a real understanding of just how BIG His grace is.  

If being good girls is how we view biblical womanhood, we've dropped the ball big time!  We (the church) subconsciously think that the theology of Godly men and leaders is enough to carry us.  My fear is that the church is putting the spiritual growth of girls on the back burner and depending on the guys. Not only are we putting a lot of pressure on men, we're raising up weak women, disciples and one-day wives.  I don't know about you, but that frustrates me!   

Reading Proverbs while baking cookies with our small group isn't going to get us anywhere close to true surrender, ladies...and it's certainly not going to make disciples!  Our fellowship with women has to be more intentional or we're not disciples of Christ, we're just good girls.  It's easy for us to get caught up in the idea that our lives are pleasing God because we are being good, but Paul tells us in Romans 8 that "those who are in the flesh cannot please God."  If our lives are not led by the spirit, they are led by the flesh...despite the fact that the rest of the world views us as good.  When we can honestly see that our idea of godly womanhood is displeasing to God, our convictions have to fuel a desire to be as close to Him as possible!  

I could have probably kept this blog a lot shorter just by saying this...

If our focus remains on not sinning, our flesh will fail us every time. In order to live a life that's not controlled by sin, we have to HATE sin, to hate sin we have to LOVE God, to love God we have to KNOW God, to know God we have to know His WORD.   

My challenge for girls is as simple as this...get in the word! Every single day, delight in the gift of reading God's word and watch the way it transforms your life. Seek out godly women the Lord has placed in your life to help you with this. Do not be discouraged when you get bored or confused with what you read, ask God to show you new and exciting ways to study the Bible. We're in this together...Praise Him for that! 

"Wimpy theology makes wimpy women. Wimpy theology simply does not give a woman a God that is big enough, strong enough, wise enough, and good enough to handle the realities of life in a way that magnifies the infinite worth of Jesus Christ." ~John Piper